Desktop Computing Security Policies and Recommendations

This document seeks to explain the minimum security settings recommended by SAS Computing. As always, the aim is to keep systems as secure as possible without unduly inconveniencing the users of those systems.

For more details regarding specific issues or situations, please consult with your local support provider.

For information on the Univerity Information Security Office's policies and best practices, please see here.

The Importance of Adequate Desktop Security

Desktop security is not just a matter of protecting your own machine and the data on it. When a machine is compromised, one of the most common outcomes is that it is used to launch attempts to break in to, or disrupt service on, other systems located at Penn or anywhere on the Internet. Given the automated tools currently available to find machines that can be compromised and then exploit them, this is a serious concern.

If a machine is found to have been compromised such that it has or could become the source of attacks on others, Penn's Information Security Office will require that the machine be taken off the network, in accord with the procedures outlined in the Policy on Computer Disconnection from PennNet. In addition, many desktop computers may be subject to the terms of Penn's Computer Security Policy and thus must be maintained with adequate security precautions in order to comply with this policy.

The lack of adequate security of machines within many educational institutions, the risks that this poses for other Internet-connected sites, and the potential liabilities for the schools themselves, has been receiving some attention lately, such as an article on the CNN web site. Various groups are working to try to address these issues, including EDUCAUSE and SANS.

General Desktop Security Guidelines

The following general guidelines are relevant for all users, no matter what operating system is being used: